Week 2 – One Room Challenge Farm Living Room

Greetings from a rainy day here in the greater Ocala, Florida area! I’m excited to be continuing my work on our farmhouse living room for the Spring 2021 One Room Challenge. And to share my updates on my blog here and Instagram with you! You want to know something fun I discovered? Last year I joined the Spring 2020 One Room Challenge about five weeks late, so I decluttered, bought new furniture, and reconfigured that entire office in three weeks! So this year, because I’ve got eight full weeks to transform the space, I’m super excited! I’ll be able to share more individual pieces of the project on the blog. And I joked to my friends – this might feel like a VACATION compared to last year!

Check out my week 1 blog post here!

Updates for Week 2

So this week, I visited our storage unit to grab some pieces we’ll be using fo the project. I also got my new lamp and starting browsing new sectionals. But the absolute biggest project I wanted to share this week is my ambitious faux-inlay mirror project!

Initial Mood Board created in Week 1

I was super inspired by faux inlay painting projects I’ve spotted on Pinterest and decided it’s finally time to try this DIY out. Renan had bought this quite large mirror from a thrift store and gave me the green light that I can paint it! It’s SUCH a great size and weight mirror to find at a thrift store! I’ve had my eye on painting it for quite some time.

Faux Inlay Mirror DIY Process

Thank goodness I decided to watch a few Youtube videos on this type of project, and to quote one of them “this was MUCH harder than I thought it would be.” But I’m a little notorious for enjoying a good DIY experiment that others might shy away from.

To catch video clips of the full process, be sure to check out my Instagram story highlight. The stenciling was both satisfying and difficult to watch! Basically, I figured out some tricks, but 2 out of 3 times I didn’t get a clean finish on the stencil. So I’ll be relying on a lot of touch up to make this look good.

First side of mirror stenciling complete, without touch up yet.

To Mod-Podge or NOT to Mod-Podge?

Where I’m at today. The right side has been touched up and I plan to do more on the other sides.

So now that you’ve seen this mirror DIY progress, I’d love to hear your thoughts on whether I should add a Mod-Podge coat (after the touch up paint) to take down how matte the black is and make it look more cohesive. I have a bottle of the matte Mod Podge which might add JUST enough shine/texture. What do you think? Is this too much to risk? Do you LIKE the chalkboard-esque texture it currently has?

I’d LOVE to hear from you in the comments.

If you enjoyed this blog, subscribe here and stay tuned for my Week 3 One Room Challenge update.

About Kaitlyn Loos

Kaitlyn Loos Headshot

Kaitlyn Loos [loh-s] is a virtual e-designer for interiors and organizing. She helps busy moms with young families create dreamy spaces that function for their unique needs. She notably developed the Decluttering Personality Type quiz which has helped hundreds of people break down mental barriers about clutter. Kaitlyn loves to collaborate with clients to bring modern, fresh, and color-savvy design into their homes. Kaitlyn Loos Design delivers style for nearly any investment level. She also enjoys sharing her ideas and projects through her blog and discussing hot design topics on Instagram live.

Kaitlyn is located in the west-central Florida area (Tampa, Ocala, Gainesville, and everywhere in between) with availability for select in-person projects for 2021.

You can also subscribe to the blog and contact Kaitlyn directly here.

Disclaimer: All of my DIY blog content is for informational and entertainment purposes only. I share what works for me in my home, but you should consult with professionals/landlords before taking on any major projects yourself. My blog does not constitute interior design advice for readers. I am not liable or responsible for any damages resulting from or related to your use of this information.
