Last Call for Decluttering by Design 90-day Challenge
Does anyone else feel like this January flew by? It’s possible that I’m feeling this way because we’ve been ramping up for the first ever Decluttering by Design 90-day challenge starting Feb. 1. It’s a virtual, small-group challenge that promises to change three spaces of your home, design organization systems that work for you, and make it all gorgeous. But is it right for YOU? In this blog, I’ll share some tips to determine if you’re ready or not. And, just in case you still have questions, you’re invited to this Saturday’s FINAL preview event. You can read on for more details or jump over to RSVP here.
Are you caught in a negative loop with clutter?
Do you wake up every morning and feel negative emotions about yourself or the people you love when you see an area of clutter? Sometimes we’re so stuck in the drama of our own dilemmas, that we can’t see the obvious solutions. It’s like a blind spot! Changing something small can transform your day-to-day experience.
The Decluttering by Design program requires you to select three areas of your home to makeover that represent each of the following: wealth, health/daily routine, and connection. When you focus on these zones, our goal is to benefit your LIFE in these three areas as well. By working with this group, you can free yourself of some negative loops that are holding you back in the realms of wealth, health/daily routine, and connection. And we’ll be referencing your decluttering personality types to create systems that work for your family.

Are you open to trying something new?
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”– Albert Einstein
It’s possible if you’re reading this that you feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING to declutter and organize your home. But a lot of cookie-cutter organization programs just don’t work for people. I wrote all about that here. You may find an online challenge appealing because you’ll get the inspiration and guidance of working with a professional, without risking germs or someone finding something embarrassing! (Though, I always LOL at that part on the Home Edit’s Netflix show!) It’s efficient in that you can make decisions as you go without waiting on others. But the small-group setting, private Facebook group and check-ins means you’re NOT going at it alone.
Do you work well in group settings?
I know I’m the type of person who’s highly influenced by a group. A good spin class gets me to burn more calories in 45 minutes than I could do on my own. The sorest I’ve ever been was from a week-long high school cheerleading camp. And I’m such an extrovert, I ONLY studied in a group setting in college. I do extremely well with group accountability! And apparently, many people follow this same trend…

The Association for Talent Development did a study on how accountability factors into achieving goals, and they concluded the following stats:
The probability of completing your goal:
- You have an idea or a goal: 10%
- You consciously decide you will do it: 25%
- You decide when you will do it: 40%
- You plan how you will do it: 50%
- You commit to someone you will do it: 65%
- You have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to: 95%
And the Decluttering by Design 90-day challenge definitely counts as the last one, because of the investment and seven set checkpoints throughout the program. So this means you have a 95% chance of hitting your goals for ALL THREE spaces you select. Cool right?
Do you have 2-4 hours a week to dedicate to the challenge?

This challenge is designed to meet you where you are, in so many ways. And I know not all women can promise multiple week nights or whole weekends to a challenge like this for three months. And that’s totally okay! If you have 2-4 hours a week minimum that you can dedicate to the challenge, we can get you results! If you have MORE time than that, we can take it even further. When you join, I’ll ask you more specifically about this in the personal assessment so we can create your custom decluttering plan.
Are you ready to prioritize your own happiness, goals, and wellbeing?
This is critical. I know so many successful women who put everything else before themselves. (See video: why successful women struggle with clutter) But if you’re ready to escape the negative patterns of clutter and create three spaces that support and excite you, then this program is MADE for you. Together, we’ll create massive changes in your home. Are you ready for it?

Saturday, Jan. 30 @ 11 a.m. EST
The Decluttering by Design 90-day group challenge starts Feb. 1! And this Saturday, Jan. 30 at 11 a.m. EST is your LAST chance to get a FREE preview.
Learn more about the five step process and program logistics.
Follow a tutorial for selecting your three specific zones of your home that most need the makeover.
Enter the giveaway! Offered exclusively to attendees who RSVP in advance. (You can do that right here.)
Save $$ on your purchase of the 90-day challenge!
Register and RSVP here for the FREE preview webinar!
You’ll then get a link to join the live webinar on Saturday morning.
This is also your chance to get your last-minute questions answered
before we kick off the challenge on Feb. 1.
Messy hair, slippers and jammies welcome, of course! You won’t be on video for THIS preview Zoom call. 😉
I hope today’s article was helpful in helping you decide if the Decluttering by Design 90-day challenge is right for you. I look forward to “seeing” many of you at Saturday’s FREE preview.
About Kaitlyn Loos

Kaitlyn Loos [loh-s] is a virtual e-designer for interiors and organizing. She helps busy moms with young families create dreamy spaces that function for their unique needs. She notably developed the Decluttering Personality Type quiz which has helped hundreds of people break down mental barriers about clutter. Kaitlyn loves to collaborate with clients to bring modern, fresh, and color-savvy design into their homes. Kaitlyn Loos Design delivers style for nearly any investment level. She also enjoys sharing her ideas and projects through her blog and discussing hot design topics on Instagram live.
Kaitlyn is located in the west-central Florida area (Tampa, Ocala, Gainesville, and everywhere in between) with availability for select in-person projects for 2021.
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