Week 5 – One Room Challenge Farm Living Room
Week 5 of the One Room Challenge in our farm living room has been a solid week of action! And while we still have a lot of work ahead of us, the progress is adding momentum. To the point where I didn’t even want to stop painting to write this blog post! But it’s good to share this turning point of the “messy middle” to inspire more projects in the future.

This week’s progress, in a GIF:

The official 3D plan!
It took some time to really nail down the furniture placements – and this could still be tweaked slightly – but I’m feeling very good about it. Everyone I’ve showed a version of this to has an excited look on their face, so I know I’m onto something!

This is a bit of a departure from my blue, gray, and white living room furniture of my first apartment. (See Week 1’s update for photos.) The new textures and color palette are a better reflection of where our life is moving. It’s certainly got more masculine vibes, a couch that is perfect for two people to curl up and watch a movie, and layers of pattern which is something I visually enjoy. The color palette is also inspired a bit by farm life but with some modern and mid-century style shapes. Which also reflects us!
New chaise sofa is on the way!
The 3D plan gave me the confidence and data I needed to select and officially order our new cognac leather sofa. We’re incredibly excited to bring this new piece into the space. And it inspired me to keep moving on the painting!

Creating the stencil
I drew up some shapes with an online software and developed this ink-blot inspired pattern in previous weeks of the challenge. And this week it was time to finally print it on paper, create the stencil, and get it on the walls! I accomplished this by tracing the pattern onto a cereal box (old college art class trick!) and cutting out the pieces with an X-acto knife.
Stencil accent wall progress!
To transfer the stencils onto the walls, I created a grid system with blue tape (some reused from the ceiling trim, because why not?) and measured out the horizontal rows with a pencil, level and yard stick. It’s important not to get too obsessive because older walls are rarely perfectly squared.

Are you getting as excited as I am for the result to come at the end of the month?
What’s Next
Week 6 (technically starting tonight) will be all about painting and preparing for the finish line. Stay tuned for more from the One Room Challenge Farm Living Room.
About Kaitlyn Loos

Kaitlyn Loos [loh-s] is a virtual e-designer for interiors and organizing. She helps busy moms with young families create dreamy spaces that function for their unique needs. She notably developed the Decluttering Personality Type quiz which has helped hundreds of people break down mental barriers about clutter. Kaitlyn loves to collaborate with clients to bring modern, fresh, and color-savvy design into their homes. Kaitlyn Loos Design delivers style for nearly any investment level. She also enjoys sharing her ideas and projects through her blog and discussing hot design topics on Instagram live.
Kaitlyn is located in the west-central Florida area (Tampa, Ocala, Gainesville, and everywhere in between) with availability for select in-person projects for 2021.
You can also subscribe to the blog and contact Kaitlyn directly here.
Disclaimer: All of my DIY blog content is for informational and entertainment purposes only. I share what works for me in my home, but you should consult with professionals/landlords before taking on any major projects yourself. My blog does not constitute interior design advice for readers. I am not liable or responsible for any damages resulting from or related to your use of this information.
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